Order Online

We pride ourselves in our ability to get you our oysters at their freshest! To do so, we harvest and ship our oysters the same day and the order arrives less than 24 hours later. We do $2/oyster, with free overnight shipping on Tuesday through Friday deliveries. Orders start at a baseline of 50 oysters per order. The oysters are shipped with an eco-friendly recyclable paper-product that can be taken out with your daily recycling.

The oysters will keep just fine in the fridge or cooler for up to 10 days. If you need shucking knives we can add those for $8 each. Shucking gloves are $10 for the pair. 

We accept payment by Venmo.

To place an order online:

  1. Simply fill out the form below.

  2. Once you reach the bottom, Venmo the order total presented at the bottom (if you submit first you’ll loose the calculated order total).

  3. Submit your order.

Have any questions? Email us at graham@westpassageoysters.com

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